
Salahuddin Vs Anuar Mohd Nor - We May Hear From The Person Who Spokes Well Enough!

Kritis-Online by Susan Loo

Helooooo peeps. It has been quite an interesting couple of days. First starting with all this dirty video defamation's going round, then the fast-forward nerve wrenching article by Salahuddin in the Unspinners lambasting Anuar from UMNO Reform 2. Calling him all sorts of names and accusing him of dis dastardly effects that maybe only Salahuddin and his crew can understand, as most of us out here who are reading each of the blogs and portals everyday are trying to understand where is all this hatred coming from ?

Salahuddin Hisham came out with his first article in the wee hours of yesterday morning after not being able to stand watching his arch nemesis Anuar Mohd Nor sitting in a meeting that was supposed to be TOP SECRET. Yup ! For these UMNO boyz, TOP SECRET is not to be taken lightly. Well, the person who took Anuar Mohd Nor's photo wasn't Salahuddin yet the person who used the photo and wrote all those nasty things was yours truly. Why did he do that ? Looking to be popular once again or has there been winds of change to move Anuar Mohd Nor from his current camp to self proclaimed Lord PapaGomo himself ? It has been understood that before this, Lord PapaGomo has tried to manouver Anuar away from this current camp and into his, thus claiming to have a battleship ready to serve the 40 leaders of dirty video's and DHL panties from Sarawak. It is weird though, why go to all the trouble ? Why not just call Anuar Mohd Nor for a chit chat and get it done with.

OK, then the second article came later in the evening of yesterday after a bunch of bloggers grouped together and gave Salahuddin such a whiping that maybe he thought he had better join Raja Petra in the United Kingdom. This second article caused the pot to start melting as Salahuddin Hisham openly decided to give a lecture and lambasting to a senior UMNO politician who for all we know, doesn't even know of such a blogger called the Unspinners. Hell ! Even I did not know it existed, well, if you want to be famous, attack Anuar Mohd Nor right, that has been the game plan for quite a long time. I remember Salahuddin's other blog called another brick in the wall who also kept taking side swipes at Anuar Mohd Nor before this yet Anuar always kept his professionalism and told Salahuddin to go back to school.

As things got quite heated up, Salahuddin was given the call to remove his two postings or be ready for the consequences which he did like a good little soldier at 9.10am today. The consequences of him not removing these two article which were total banishment from the UMNO circle TOGETHER with his crew. Fhheewww. It is one thing to dig your own grave, now Salahuddin was digging for other's as well. This was not going down well for BLOGHOUSE. Who are the true four men crew for the Unspinners ? Sir Knight Rocky must have been scratching his head thinking why Salahuddin had to do such a stupid thing to create more animosity between himself and UMNO leaders when all in this while he has been trying to patch things up between the ex NST big wigs and himself. Another all out war would not have gone down well for Sir Rocky now wouldn't it ? Min of Information also looks like its drying up the wells, where else can BLOGHOUSE go ?

So who removed the postings was another question that popped to mind ? Was it Salahuddin or one of the other three keymasters to the Unspinners Blog ? Each with administrator access to remove post or edit anything in this blog ? We will know quite soon when Salahuddin meets Anuar in the big DEBATE that has been agreed to by Anuar Mohd Nor of UMNO REFORM 2 and waiting confirmation from Salahuddin Hisham of the Unspinners. They used to say TALK IS CHEAP, so all this big talk between this Blogger Salahuddin and the old timer Anuar Mohd Nor will become a reality soon enough. Anuar Mohd Nor has agreed to answer all the questions with facts by Salahuddin of the Unspinners and Anuar Mohd Nor has said he will be coming with his own set of questions with facts to challenge aspects of what he has been accused of by Salahuddin of the Unspinners together with questions of his own for Salahuddin. This DEBATE will be RECORDED LIVE on streaming and probably be broadcasted throughout the Bloggersphere which will make it even more interesting, as we will hear now not one sided accusations, but giving the chance for the other to defend himself professionally.

So I will wait too, for Unspinners Salahuddin Hisham vs Umno Reform Anuar Mohd Nor in the DEBATE. Don't be too long Salahuddin, or you will lose what's left of your reputation .

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Keris 7 Lok kata :
korang sume nak komen apapon..aku tak kisah..tapi kalau komen tu boleh didakwa di mahkamah..aku akan bekerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa dan tidak akan bertanggung jawab ke atas komen yang korang buat..anda tulis..anda dapat...

Arkib Keris 7 Lok
