Ambiga: Last Thursday, this piece of legislation was rushed through in Parliament. The Election Offences Act. The booth provided by EC, then a sub 2 and sub 3 allowing agents of an election candidate to be present. They have deleted that. That means in the booth, you will only have EC. Which means people who walk in you own't be able to check. Reasoning is there is too much problems without being able to cite them. Use of indelible ink is no use because you can't tell from that distance if their finger is marked. No independent arbitrator which means making Nero Fire chief! All we ask is please guarantee that you will implement, delay the elections, please! Delay the elections. Give us time. In July last year civil society offered to sit in a non-partisan group - all political parties represented and civil society - and we said form an independent panel and we will help clean up the electoral roll. If we had done that in July last year, we would have been done by now. We fear this is going to be the dirtiest election. We want a new set of people who are not going to behave like civil servants.We are happy to sit with all the MPs to sit and hear us out - hear our figures out.
Persoalannya, mengapa Ambiga mempersoalkan penjawat awam dan dikaitkan dengan SPR serta pilihanraya yang kotor? Kalau kaji lebih mendalam dengan kenyataan tersebut seolah-olah penjawat awam dipersalahkan dan punca kekotoran dalam kerajaan. Nah! kepada penjawat awam yang menyokong Bersih3, ini kata pemimpin kamu tentang status dan pekerjaan kamu.
Pada Keris ini merupakan satu penghinaan yang jelas dan terbuka. Tinggal sesiapa yang ditujukan dengan ayat tersebut untuk menilai. Bukti Bersih memang tidak relevan dan bukan untuk rakyat.
Kerana Penjawat Awam Juga Rakyat!
K7L : Family Keris kebanyakan merupakan penjawat awam..marah mereka selepas mereka tahu Ambiga berkata begitu..