
Malaysiakini Bangangkan @AnwarIbrahim ? - Akibat Suka Sangat Spin!

Puak penulis yang berat sebelah ini akhirnya terkantoi mem'bangang'kan Anwar Ibrahim yang tidak lama lagi akan melepaskan gelaran Ketua Pembangkang. Kalau blogger typo boleh terima lagilah, tapi penulis portal tu beb.

Tapi rasanya memang mereka sudah sedar yang Anwar memang bangang sebab itu dia merapu dan kuat menipu. Apapun terbaik!

K7L : Pembangang?.. hahahahaa


  1. Bah. pertama:

    Janganlah kita biarkan diri kita diPERBODOHkan berterusan drama DAJAL si DAPBANGKAI/PKSODOM/PENGGANAS Red Bean/Geng Kongsi Gelap (yg. sebenaqnya adalah ejen-ejen Mossad-Israel/ZIONIS-CIA/US-MI6-NATO)! Sebenaqnya dgn. berpura bergaduh antara mereka, mereka mahu UMNO dan Islam/umatnya menyokong kedatangan Obama-si DALANG-DUA-MUKA-PEMBUNUH umat Islam, kat NEGARA ISLAM ini!

    Kelakarnya Obama-si-GAY-DALANG-DUA-MUKA DAJAL menaiki kereta nama SYAITAN, "the Beast" dan berani MENGKUTUK Malaysia mendiskriminasi kaum Kapir!! Sebenaqnya "equality" (hak kesamaan - yg. lahir waktu "French Revolution"-yg.-amat-BUAS, diketuai ZIONIS, dlm tahun 1798), dicipta siYahudi ZIONISDAJAL, utk. meletakkan kuasa Syaitan (sbg. tuhan mereka) SAMA dgn. kuasa ALLAH SWT kita; dan "evil is equal to good" - sebab itu perangai-mcm-haiwan-buas, termasuk bebas jadi si GAY/KAPIRDAJAL, makin digalakkan!

    Sebenaq anak-anak pelarian Islam termasuk anak-anak Islam Palestin, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, Mesir dan dari benua Afrika sedg. disasarkan untuk diKURANGkan, secara Genocide rahsia (selain dr Genocide terangan melalui peperangan, Drone dan penjajahan BUAS), utk. diHAPUSkan ketururunan mereka, termasuk menjadi mandul dan dijangkiti wabak penyakit termasuk kanser- melalui pemberian bantuan makanan secara besaran (termasuk dr. Israel, yg. labelnya telah dipalsukan) serta suntikan besaran (kononnya utk. menghalang wabak penyakit), atau dijual oleh sindiket pelacuran/pornografi & perdagangan organ kanak-kanak - oleh ejen-ejen Barat-ZIONIS/Israel, di kem-kem pelarian, yg. menyamaq sbg. NGO-NGO, termasuk di bawah UN yg. dikuasai Barat-ZIONIS. Sebenaqnya jumlah umat Islam global mahu diKURANGKan melalui peperangan/penjajahna BUAS Barat-ZIONIS yg. berterusan di samping merompak kekayaan minyak-gas Dunia Islam!

    Makcik Sambal Belacan – PERTAHAN Islam dan umatnya, Bahasa Melayu, hak BUMIPUTERA Melayu dan BUMIPUTERA lain; dan hak orang miskin dari semua bangsa yang hormat Islam, dan bangsa dan hak Bumiputera (Bumiputera juga bermakna Pribumi/Orang Asal-Asli/Indigenous/Native/Aboriginal/First Nation).

  2. Bah. Kedua:

    Dan si GAY, ketua PKRSODOM tu bukankah seorg. Islam dan dibenci - tetapi Obama yg. juga bukan hanya si GAY, tetapi juga si KEJADAH-pembunuh-umat-Islam-global, termasuk dgn. Drone harian kat Dunia Islam, diPUJA pula si PEMBODEK dr. pemimpin Islam, kat Tanah Melayu ni, sebab kononnya dia ‘Islam‘! Patutlah Dunia Islam diketawakan dan dipijak-pijak si KAPIRDAJAL-MUSUH-ISLAM, terutamanya Israel!

    Lihatlah Obama, melantik gang ZIONISnya kat White House, yg. didedahkan wartawan Bolly (yg. juga mendedahkan rejim US terlibat dlm. 9-11), termasuk si gang GAYZIONISnya, Rahm Emmanuel sbg.”Chief of staff” (lihat di http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=40983, Repost: Obama’s Sodomite Past Comes Back To Haunt Him, By Wayne Madsen on January 8, 2012 - kalau berita ini tak benar, tentu Obama dan geng GAYZIONISnya, dah SAMAN)!

    Lihat di http://www.bollyn.com/11305 :

    X - Who Runs the Obama White House?

    By Christopher Bollyn

    Latest Edit - June 21, 2011

    The day after Barack Obama was elected president, the Israeli press proudly proclaimed that the new president had chosen an Israeli, Rahm Emanuel, to manage the new administration. ….The controlled press in the United States, however, keeps the American public unaware that Obama's new chief of staff is an Israeli, with terrorist roots and a sworn loyalty to the state of Israel…..

    It should come as no surprise that the New York Times article chooses not to mention Emanuel's Israeli roots -- or the fact that his father was a member of the Irgun, the most murderous terrorist group in Palestine in the 1930s and 40s. The New York Times is the leading Zionist-controlled newspaper in the United States by virtue of the fact that it has been controlled by the Sulzberger family, founding members of B'nai B'rith (secret organization of Jewish Freemasons) Lodge No. 1 of New York, for more than one hundred years. Likewise, the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times are both owned by a Chicago Zionist named Samuel Zell…

    Emanuel is part of the Chicago-based team of political Zionists with David Axelrod, Obama's chief campaign strategist. Obama thanked Axelrod by name during his November 2008 victory speech in Chicago's Grant Park…The United States government today….has been taken over by an organized gang of Zionist pirates, an organization most people don't even know exists. This organization was created by members of the Zionist terror groups, the Hagana, Irgun, Lehi, and their Mossad network. Members of these groups were sent to the United States in the 1950s to raise dedicated Zionist agents that would look and sound like Americans - but think like Israelis. In this way Zionists have gained control over our government and media….

    Israeli intelligence is like the criminal organization, Quantum, in the James Bond film Quantum of Solace. They are everywhere, supporting politicians on both sides of the aisle, creating and running governments from the left and the right, yet you don't even know they exist. Over the past six decades, Israeli agents have infiltrated every agency of the U.S. government and gained access to the most critical computer networks. In order to understand what the Obama administration will mean for America and the world, it is essential to understand the Zionist agents behind Obama……

    Makcik Sambal Belacan.
